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The Alpha Constitution

Thank you for visiting Den Of Alpha (D.O.A.). We here at D.O.A. are founded on the conservative principles of freedom, liberty and individual responsibility. As a result, you may find our forums to be a bit politically incorrect at times, if that bothers you, we're probably not the community you seek.

In terms of moderation to our forums, we want to be as hands off as possible. Now that doesn't mean that we sanction a free-for-all in our discussion forums, there are still rules we expect to be followed.

1. Personal attacks. We ask that members refrain from personal attacks in the main forums, if you have a beef with another member there is a forum dedicated to hash out your problems, The Colosseum. Take it there.

2. Racial slurs. We are an inclusive community for men to talk about man things. We will not tolerate or condone racism on our forums. 

3. Lewdness. We do not allow any images containing nudity or lewd acts within our forums or as user avatars. Scantily clad is acceptable as long as they don't include: genitalia, female nipples, sexual acts or depictions of such.

4. Doxxing. We do not allow the posting of someone else's personal information (address, phone number, place of employment, or unpublished email address)

5. No posting or linking to information on making illegal modifications to firearms or purchase illegal firearms. This should be fairly self-explanatory.

6. No reposting or duplicating copyrighted material without consent.

7. Have thick skin. A wise man from a site I used to frequent once said "A man shouldn't be judged by the color of his skin, but of it's thickness." We are all adults here, and we believe in the freedom of speech. If things said here offend you, well then, we're probably not the community for you. I attest that site staff will hold itself to the same standards.

8. Vulgarity/profanity. While we allow the use of profanity WITHIN the threads posted on our forums, we do not allow the usage of such within thread titles....keep those clean.

9. Fundraisers. No fundraisers shall be posted without our forums without the consent of site ownership.

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